Sunday, October 13, 2013

Chapter 6 - Different Style

One thing I've discovered is that it takes me far longer to write a story then I would really like.  This is causing the story posts to be way behind the rest of the site.  So I decided I am going to change the style of my posts to more informative, basically just saying why I took the particular screenshots :)  The style will be more about documenting my progress and I'll just save the story writing for a project that isn't going to be 30+ generations of sims.

Aslan grew up into a child!

 Before Makeover                                                         After Makeover

 Arik is so handsome/beautiful it is a little disturbing.  I wish he hadn't rolled hydrophobic as one of his traits as a baby!

 Aslan playing dress up as a prince.

I really can't get over how beautiful Arabeth is, and how much she looks like her mother!  At this point in time I was pretty sure I would pick her as the heir (I did).

Conrad aged up to elder.  Conrad and Victoria are one of the most loving couples I've ever had.  Whenever I'm not controlling them they are always interacting with each other.

Victoria aged up the day after Conrad.

Arabeth aged up to Y/A.  Still gorgeous.

Before Makeover                                                         After Makeover

 Here she is getting friendly with Perry Poirot  He is the child of Julian Poirot (an original resident of Midnight Hollow) and Leigh Poirot (who I think moved in).

Here they are watching the stars!  Turns out Twallan's mod is faster than I am and Perry is already married, so I guess she'll have to break up a marriage to get her way.

Since she gets the attraction moodlet when he is around I am inclined to let her.

I will end with a picture of all of Gen 1!

Chapter 7 - It's a boy!

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